Kitchen Catechism


An explanation and statement of intent sounds very formal and legal but it’s really just telling you, where we’re at - that’s the explanation, and where we’re going - that’s the statement of intent.

We toss ideas back and forth trying to decide what would best fill our pages and be most valuable to our readers. We wonder, should we stick to one theme each month?

There are so many good ones: May is media month, we like that, also Mary’s month, we like that even better. April is “Holy Humor” month but this year Easter landed in April and that’s the really big one. March was “Women’s History Month”, oops we missed that - a big oversight, but we were toiling through Lent. Even bigger than the month is the year, and 1999 has been declared “The International Year of the Older Person” and that recognition brings joy to the hearts of many of us, and for Catholics this is the final year leading up to the millennium and is the year of “God the Father”.

After sufficient pondering we concluded to go with themes: of the month when that worked well, or something different if that’s what we liked, or even to be eclectic and use various unrelated ideas, so you see, basically we decided to go with whatever worked best.

Lois is the one who brought to our attention that April is Holy Humor month and there is no one better than she at entwining the message of God with a twinkle in the eye and a soft chuckle near by. But Lois also worries that the respect she has for the delicate balance between what can be seen in a humorous light and what must be kept strictly sacred is clearly understood. She has written us a message with this perspective in mind so there can be no misunderstanding titled “God Winked and there was Laughter”.

Many of Lois Donahue’s contributions to our site are part of a book she is writing: What I Want My Children Always To Remember, And My Grandchildren Never To Forget. Following her lead, I will also compile many of my articles into a book titled: A Way of Life: His Life.

So now you know - where we’re at and where we’re going - and we would like to have input from any of you who may have subjects or ideas you would like us to delve into. Please log onto our Guest Book and send us your comments.

Until next we meet, remember God loves you, we love you and you remain in our hearts and prayers.




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"Nothing should
frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be troubled. Am I, your Mother,
not here with you?"

"Nothing should
frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be troubled. Am I, your Mother,
not here with you?"

Catholic Culture and New Evangelization. Read
You don't have to do it all alone - God is always there for you. Read
Mary, Undoer of Knots (A favorite prayer of Pope Francis) Read

Words of a Future Pope. Read